Etta Zine is accepting submissions for its summer season and invites writers, chefs, photographers, designers and other creators in the universe of food across all disciplines to submit work that engages with the particular realities and experiences of 2020. Our selection process will prioritize black identified contributors.
We want your personal experiences into, through and out of the food industry as a person of colour. Your examinations of diasporic food history. The dishes and recipes you inherited, reclaimed or reimagined. Your deep dive into the role, or lack thereof, of food in social/political movements and community organizing. The projects, voices or organizing around food justice and security that inspires and fuels you. Stories of how you navigate your relationship to food as a home cook, an artist, a designer, a chef, a bartender, a farmer, a server, a cookbook collector in these times.

Written submissions: please send a one paragraph pitch and indicate approximate length of your final submission, along with a short bio and any related links.
Visual submissions: please submit a project description and examples of previous work or completed images with a short bio and any related links.
Fees to selected contributors:
short form writing (less than 700 words) $50.00
long form writing (700 - 1500 words) $100.00
visual contributors (1-5 images) $75.00
All submissions should be sent to atelier.etta@gmail.com with the subject line 'submission - summer 2020' no later than Aug. 10, 2020.